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Answered: Can I lose weight without starving myself?

Hello, welcome to my fitness guidance blog.
Most people who are overweight always find it impossible to even think about the jargon they hear day to day about losing weight, "Eats fruits and vegetables in the morning, sacrifice your lunch and eat a very light food in the evening", sounds familiar? Few people has taken courage to try this things and guess what? It actually works - Temporary! Why? Losing weight is not always the main source of worry, though it can be challenging, the problem is keeping the weight out. After you achieve your goal of losing 50 pounds, you rush back to foods you sacrificed "Oh I missed you my favourite foods", then it happens like a bang, all the weight you lost crawls back like a joke, you have regained all the weight you lost and maybe even more HAHAHA. At that point you begin to lie to yourself "I love my body this way", "Maybe people do not actually lose weight", "Seems like am meant to be like this" E.t.c Even when you know this are false assumptions, but need something to hold onto, something to console you.
Fortunately, there is a way to lose weight without sacrificing the foods you love, well unless you love unhealthy foods.
Even if you love unhealthy foods, well you won't give it up if you don't want to and you can still achieve your goal.
Right now, we are going to see different weight loss plans and methods you can implement to cut off some fats and fade them goodbye, ready? Let's go there. . .
Why are my overweight? Why are you overweight?
Have you actually taken some time to ask this question? Have you taken time to try and answer it or try to find answers? I think you should, I will explain some reasons why people are over weight but you should make out time to find out why you are over weight, causes can differ from person to person.
Many factors could be the cause of those extra fats on your body. You might be eating more calories than is required for your body, this will make your body to store excess fats thereby making you to add unnecessary weight. This is undoubtedly the most reason - at least perceived as the most common reason why people are over weight, Every body has daily calorie count required by the body to continue functioning properly, when you eat above the calorie count required by your body, those extra calories are converted in either fatty acids or glucose then stored for use when the body is in fasted state ( I will explain that in a minute), with time those extra calories starts to add up and before long they are already 1pound big.
What is fasted state? We say the body is in fasted state when it utilizes the energy in your stored meals to keep the body functioning properly, that is - The last meal you ate has been fully digested and absorbed by the body, the energy your body is using is from your stored meals (Those extra calories). We also say the body is in fed state when it is still digesting the last meal you ate, so it is getting its energy from the last meal you ate.
You have a slow metabolism, you know? The process of breaking down calories into energy required by the body. so all foods are stored as fats, people who have really slow metabolism are always obese, sometimes this might be a medical problem or from your gene.
You have insulin imbalance which is blocking your body from breaking down and mobilising fats in the body.
Insulin is a hormone that carry mainly glucose around the blood, it also has a storage capacity so it can store glucose, it is also involved in moving and storing fatty acids.
When insulin level in your blood is high, the body finds it difficult to tap on stored fats when it's on fasted state. Insulin level should be normal for the body to efficiently break down and mobilize fats.
We will stop here for now, you can research or visit a doctor to find out why you are overweight.
So you might have learned why you are over weight and here you are, seeking for solutions to tackle this problems, let's see if you can really shed some fats without actually starving.
As you might have guessed, losing weight is all about making your body to use stored fats more often, this all starts with you, do you like unhealthy foods? Now the first thing you need to know is how to calculate how many calories your body needs per day.
How to find calories in foods
The next thing you need to know is how many calories you consume per day, every food has specific calorie count, finding them is simple, just type "food calorie" on Google, E.G rice calorie, orange calorie.
Then you should learn how to cut down your calorie, I explained how to cut down calories on this Guide.
When you exercise, your body needs more energy to continue working, your metabolism speeds up to provide your body with more energy, note that when you have little stored fat, your metabolic rate really slows down. you should consider doing light or heavy exercises, how about running a mile or two every morning before you eat? You can just walk yourself to someplace you normally send some to, I have read an article about a woman who lost nearly ten pounds by walking herself to store to get cookies instead of waiting for the sales boy.
Visiting the gym, playing football, basketball, table tennis, lawn tennis e.t.c. can also boost how your body mobilize fats.
There are many things you could do to burn excess fats in your body. If you have a little money to invest in your weightloss campaign then you must seriously consider a $47 weightloss guide by Brian Flatt called the "four weeks diet", In this guide Brian Flatt shows how to scientifically make the four hormones responsible for releasing fats, storing fats, breaking down fats which is virtually the four hormones that determines how the body looks to work together.
It will teach you how to make your body crave for the best foods and diets, what diets to eat, exercises your body need and how to keep the fats out once you lose it. This Guide will make sure you lose 20 to 30 pounds in one month and it has a 60 days refund policy.
Finally it all boils down to you, your mind set and seriousness, you don't really need to starve your self to lose weight, you just need your body to crave for the right foods in the right quantity, this way, you can't go back to unhealthy diets once you see some changes, I must say this exactly what the four weeks diet guide is about.
Let me hear your opinion in the comment box, and please, don't forget to share this to your friends and loved ones who are over weight and need help. You don't need to starve yourself.


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