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Beginner guide to calorie deficit - don't punch your metabolism.

Hi friend, welcome to the fitness art, I hope this post solves a problem for you.

Here you will learn how to effectively make your calorie deficit for the maximum effect in weight loss.

Many people seem to struggle with the figuring out how large their calorie deficit should be and what their expectations as far as weight loss should be.
Let's pretend your maintenance is 2500 calories per day. This means, you are eating 2500 calories worth of energy per day and you are expending roughly 2500 calories worth of energy per day. Results in a net break-even and theoretically, there is no weight gain or loss. Right?
BTW, 2500 calorie maintenance level would be for someone roughly 170 lbs. The bigger you are, the higher your maintenance level is.

Determine your BMR or calorie maintenance level

Getting a 100% accurate BMR requires a trip to the lab and a gas analysis conducted on your body. Thankfully, science has provided us with a calculation that, in my experience, provides a very accurate BMR we can use to lose weight. Determining your BMR is fairly simple. I have provided calculations in U.S. measurements and in metric form. There are also separate calculations for men and women.

U.S. BMR Calculation for Women
BMR =  655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) – (4.7 x age in years)
A. Multiply your current weight by 4.35. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, the calculation would be 150 x 4.35 = ______.
B. Multiply your height in inches by 4.7. For example, if you are 5’6”, you would be 66 inches, so the calculation would be 66 x 4.7 = ______.
C. Multiply your age in years by 4.7. For example, if you are 30 years old, the calculation would be 30 x 4.7 = ______.
would take 655 + A + B – C = ______. This number represents your BMR.

U.S. BMR Calculation for Men
BMR =  66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) – (6.8 x age in years)
A. Multiply your current weight by 6.23. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, the calculation would be 150 x 6.23 = ______.
B. Multiply your height in inches by 12.7. For example, if you are 5’6”, you would be 66 inches, so the calculation would be 66 x 12.7 = ______.
C. Multiply your age in years by 6.8. For example, if you are 30 years old, the calculation would be 30 x 6.8 = ______. Now, you would take 66 + A + B – C = ______. This number represents your BMR.

You can also find web applications designed specifically for calorie level calculation eg:
INFORMED individuals looking to lose weight will cut calories by some small margin, say 10-25%. As they begin to lose weight, their metabolism will slow, even though they are going about weight loss in an appropriate fashion. You can't continue losing weight forever at your original deficit. Your metabolism catches up to you and it slows to a point where you won't see results. This is a normal physiological response to having less tissue to support and move around as well as less food to digest and utilize.
In addition, there's an adaptive component to eating a deficit that many folks refer to as the starvation response. It mostly has to do with things like nervous system output, thyroid, insulin, and leptin hormones, and reduced spontaneous physical activity. If you really want to dive into the details of this stuff... just ask. And please know that mileage varies from person to person... some folks tend to be more sensitive to this than others.

At this point, though, where you're beginning to plateau... you could cut calories again to trigger another deficit based on your NEW maintenance level. You've left space for this sort of incremental and systematic downward shift in calories as you progress. Obviously at some point you can't keep cutting calories. As you get leaner and leaner, more advanced tactics can be brought into play say as cyclic/refeed type setups... but that's beyond the point of this post.

What I'm seeing around is something entirely differently. Rather than taking a sane approach to creating a deficit... many people are doing the equivalent of punching their metabolisms in the face. Many people cut calories originally by some ridiculous amount. Still using a maintenance of 2500 calories, I find many around will slash to 1200 right off the bat, or something ludicrous like this.
Why a 50% calorie slash seems OK to some of you I will never understand. Our bodies are very adaptive, finely tuned machines that are built to survive. And you better believe that you are sending many, many signals to your body that say, "Time to change physiologically because it looks like we are going through some hard times."
This should be about gently nudging the fat off. Not taking a jackhammer to it! Never mind the psychological repercussions of the jackhammer approach, which we won't even get into here.
Here's a little food for thought. One of the most often cited pieces of research in the literature pertaining to metabolism was the Minnesota Starvation Diet. Here, they slashed calories by 50% off of maintenance to realize the impacts STARVATION had on post war and Jewish victims of the Nazis, and how to best go about rehabbing them.
Last time I checked, concentration camp victims weren't the epitome of health and fitness! So how about we stop trying to replicate their nutrition conditions in our own lives?

You should have the right thoughts about your body and your metabolism, don't be too desperate.

Anyway, you could use some help, I have found a guide that teaches how to lose weight without starving or punching your metabolism, you will learn certain steps to gradually give up unhealthy foods, speed up your metabolism and so on. I have reviewed it here but you should know some few things.
It is not entirely free, it sales for $47 and it is worth your money trust me. It is called "the four weeks diet" written by Brian Flatt, you should get a copy. It teaches how to scientifically make your weight loss hormones to shed as much as twenty pounds in a month.
Click here to buy now!!

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