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The Master Guide to eating the right diet - Best diets to burn excess fats.

Did you know that the main cause of obesity is the food we eat and the quantity we eat them? And if you have a slow metabolism, that could be a factor too but a secondary factor. The primary cause of obesity is DIET!
In the time we live in today, there tends to be too many junk foods everywhere, and they are always hard to resist most of the time, don't you think?
Today, I will teach you facts about common foods you take all the time in relation to how your body looks.
Did you know that the body produces some of the nutrients it uses for its day to day activities? Well, not all the nutrients but most of them, the nutrients that the body can produce on it's own is call nonessential nutrients why the nutrients the body can't produce is called essential nutrients, the body gets essential nutrients from the food you eat.
Did you know that carbohydrates does not contain any essential nutrient? I will tell what that means later.
Did you know that unlike fatty acids (gotten from fat) and glucose (gotten from carbohydrates) the body does not store amino acids?
Examples of essential nutrients are protein, minerals, vitamins, water and fat.
Do you know how we get fat? We simply get fat by eating more calories than our body needs for the day, calories are the energies contained in the food we eat, our body needs calories everyday to function properly. Let's say your body needs 1500 calories per day and you consume 1600 calories per day, the excessive 100 calories is stored as fat or glucose inside your body. As time goes on, this calories multiplies and before you know it, you are already overweight, you don't get over weight by consuming specific foods, you simply get overweight by consuming excess calories and every food contains calories but in different quantity.
Now the body stores this excess fats to use them later, with later I mean when the energies in your last meal has been fully digested; but people hardly allow the body to tap energies from the stored fats before consuming another overload of calories thereby adding to the already excess fats.
Incase you did not know, The body can be in only one of this two states at a time, the fed state or the fasted state. When the body is on fed state it uses energy from the last meal you had, immediately there is no more energy, it sends a signal to the brain saying " Am switching to the fat store" this signal comes in form of hunger pangs and most people can't resist the urge to eat immediately those pangs start.
The body can only lose fats when it's on fasted state but unfortunately, many people are only on fasted states when they are sleeping, in fact research has shown that most people are on fed state for approximately 20 hours every day and you will agree with me that the body doesn't use alot of energy at rest, so don't expect those fats to go off during when you are sleeping.
At this point you should agree with me that the diets we eat is the primary factor for weight gain, to tackle this problem you should rearrange your daily diets and try to understand how many calories your body needs per day.
Now I mentioned earlier that the unlike fatty acids and glucose the body doesn't store amino acids, the body pushes out excess amino acids as waste, the body breaks down proteins into amino acid, unlike carbs and fats and even water the body doesn't store amino acids.  you should increase the proteins in your daily diets and use it to replace most foods especially carbs.
Now if you have read the essential nutrients I mentioned up there, you would have noticed the exclusion of carbs, the body breaks down carbohydrates as glucose in the blood stream, well I know, you can hardly find any foods nowadays that doesn't contain carbohydrates but unlike it's sibling nutrients, carbs are nonessential and the body can survive without it, excess glucose can make you overweight and diabetic, you should reduce carbs on your daily diets considerably.
Water helps digestion, it also helps to flush out dead cells, you should drink many water very to make your body look fresh.
Right eating tips for weight loss:
Eat low carbs, you should not necessarily exclude carbs on your diet but you should considerably lower it.
Eat a higher amount of protein, protein is a very essential nutrient and can keep you full a long time, beneficiary the body doesn't store proteins so it won't make you over weight.
Drink many water.
Reduce sugar intake and alcohol, lowering sugar levels in your blood can help you lower insulin levels thereby making it easier for your body to break down and mobilize fats.
Eat fruits and vegetables.
Eat more fats.
This diet plan can help you considerably, I have written a guide here about removing belly fats, check it out

All in all, there is a master weight loss guide that you should get A.S.A.P, this guide will make you understand more clearly the concept of losing weight, how different foods, diets and nutrients impact weight.
You can read more about it here.
And I have written a detailed review about the Brian Flatt four weeks diet program here
This guide will also show you how to make your body mobilize and flush out excess fats naturally and how to reduce glucose levels in the blood.
This guide will also show you intensive few minutes workouts you can perform every morning to help speed up your metabolism and build your muscles, the body uses too many energy to build muscles so your will burn excess fats while repairing and rebuilding your muscles. And motivationals to keep you focused to losing weight.
This guide is called the "4weeks diet" written by Brian Flatt, you can get yours today for $47.
Why I recommend this book.
It is very detailed, clearly and carefully shows how the body reacts to different foods we eat.
It includes daily diets for the best fat burning results.
Few minutes intensive and effective workouts to speed metabolism and build muscles, the body uses too many energy to build muscles.
It is cheap, you can't get a fitness coach for $47.
Is is divided into four separate handbooks so that you won't get overwhelmed by the too many information it contains.
You will get a 60days money back guarantee.
In conclusion, the amount of food and diet you eat every day is the main reason you are overweight, you should not point fingers at specific foods as the cause and oh, obesity can cause too many diseases that could lead to death, you should increase your efforts about burning excess fats in your body system, the "4weeks diet" will clearly show you how to burn 20 pounds fat of in a month or two.
Finally, you can share this post to your friends and colleagues and oh, I could use your advice and opinions, feel free to add them below.


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